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Recently read “Monsters: A Fan’s dilemma” by Claire Dederer for Book Club. JKR was one of the artists, but also more “unforgivables” like Woody Allen and Roman Polanski. Can you enjoy the art while not accepting behavior from the artist? Does it matter if the artist is dead (Michael Jackson) and doesn’t financially benefit from your consumption? It’s interesting and I don’t begrudge anyone else their choices. I had to do some soul searching to determine why it doesn’t bother me to listen to Kanye or MJ but it does bother me to read Potter. And I have a Harry Potter tattoo. I am a huge super fan. And I already OWN all of that so there is no benefit to the artist if I re-read Potter. So why does it bother me? I think it’s because it feels like a betrayal. I believe JKR is dangerous (a lack of self-awareness, you called it, rightfully). The universe she created is potently against Neo-fascism and literally includes a required class called Transfiguration. I don’t consume it anymore because it absolutely makes me sad. Her views seem antithetical to her work. Also; high recommend the podcast “The Witch Trials of JK Rowling” produced by Megan Phelps-Roper.

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